
Thursday, 1 August 2019

Japanese characters

This post will give you list of characters used in Japanese, starting from hiragana and katakana, and [hopefully] followed by N5 kanji. For information, hiragana is the most basic character in Japanese language. As you progress, hiragana will have grammatical role, and is also used when learning kanji.

Katakana is usually used to write some foreign words, i.e. orange. However, during the writing, the foreign word will need to be written in Japanese style pronunciation, i.e. the word 'orange' will become orénji when written in katakana. Some other examples are 'bus' becomes basu, 'barcode' becomes bākōdo, '7-11 (seven eleven)' becomes sébun irébun. A Japanese superhero movie in late 1960s entitled 'Ultra Seven' is read as Urutora Sébun when written in katakana. Katakana is also used to replace kanji when the kanji writing is too difficult or the kanji is rarely used. For example, 海驢 is read as ashika, which means 'sea lion'. In manga, katakana is used to show the emphasizement in / of a dialogue.

In this post, you will learn about hiragana and katakana. Contents and exercises will be uploaded whenever I have time.

uploaded : Aug. 05, 2019
List of Hiragana  (pdf ver.)
Description :
I divide the hiragana list into 5 blocks. Each block usually takes 30 ~ 90 minutes to master. Later, I will post another hiragana list in different format so that you can practice it.

(1.) Exercise Hiragana 1 (uploaded Jul 02, 2020)
(1.) Exercise Hiragana 2 (uploaded Jul 14, 2020)